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Our Big Game Awards will be held on September 27, 2025.

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Want to know where the largest whitetail deer, black bears and elk are taken in Pennsylvania. This is the complete official listing of all trophy big game animals taken in the Keystone State. Visit "The Outdoor Shop" on the PGC's website at www.pgc.pa.gov or call 1-888-888-3459 to order.

PA Records


Two black bears that once roamed the fields and mountains of Bradford County were recently accepted into Boone & Crockett's 28th Big Game Awards program. The largest of the two was taken in Ulster Township in 2011 by Jeff Fassett of Ulster. Jeff's bear scored 21-11/16 and its estimated live weight (ELW) was 638 lbs. making it the heaviest bear in our records. The previous record was a 617 lb. bruin taken by Kelly Devine in Orwell Township. Of the 763 entries in the 2013 PA Record Book, Jeff's bear ranked No. 60. by skull measurement.

The second B&C entry was taken in 2011 in Asylum Township by Matt Santiago of Towanda. That skull measured 21-1/16 and its ELW was 473 lbs. Matt's bear currently ranks 10th by skull measurement, and 21st by weight in our records, and No. 164 in the state records.

These bears are awesome trophies that exceeded the 21-0/16 minimum for acceptance into B&C's all-time Records of North American Big Game. 19-0/16 is the minimum for acceptance into our Club and the PA Record Book.

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Charter Members

Fritz Janowsky
Fritz Janowsky (1931 -2013)
   Bradford County's and Pennsylvania's
Largest Typical Whitetail Taken With a Gun.
Score:  189-0
Tim Beardslee - Col. X. Rds. - 297-2828

Dean Jackson - Col. X. Rds. - 297-2838

Jeff Jenkins - Col. X. Rds. - 297-2717

Jon Jenkins - Col. X. Rds. - 297-2823

Roger Kingsley - Col. X. Rds. - 297-2489

Dave Levan - Troy - 297-4227

Mark Madden - Towanda - 265-3475

Steve Pelton - Monroeton - 364-5028

Boyd Rowe - Ulster - 358-3251

Paul Sheeley - Troy - 596-3740

Gordy Wesneski - Col. X. Rds. - 570-971-1567

Tom Wright - Waverly, NY - 570-529-0163










About Us

We are a group of twelve Bradford County residents who cherish our deer and bear hunting traditions. We joined together in January of 2007 in the Borough of Troy, to express our desire to form a club devoted to recognizing the outstanding big game hunting opportunities in this County.


Many would-be trophies are taken in Bradford County each year. Our efforts to continue measuring and recording these trophies will not only be a service to the hunters, but a tribute to the animals and a lasting expression of our hunting heritage.



* Our Sponsors

* Mission Statement


"Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishment toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results." --Unknown


Clinton Crawford

Clinton Crawford Jr. - Surrounded by his hunting party - with his
342 LB. Wilmot TWP. bear that measured 19-14.



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