2023 Awards Banquet
Our 2023 Big Game Awards Banquet took place on
September 16 at Alparon Park/Troy Fairgrounds in
Troy, PA. Bradford County's biggest and most recently
harvested whitetail deer and black bears, plus shed
antlers were accepted into our Big Game Records.
Since 2021, 90 entries were added to our hunter-taken
categories which came from 30 of our 37 townships.
Archers tagged 70 animals while gun hunters took 20.
The top whitetail and black bear category entries were
Evan Chesshir of Broadway, VA for a YOUTH NON-TYPICAL
entry at 146-7 taken in Springfield Township; Justin Barnes
of Gillett for a TYPICAL DEER GUN entry at 151-7 taken
in Ridgebury Township; Peter Cantale of Bayonne, NJ for a
TYPICAL DEER ARCHERY entry at 146-3 taken in Albany
Township; Kyle Robinson of Wyalusing for a NON-TYPICAL
DEER ARCHERY entry at 162-5 taken in Wyalusing
Township; Joshua Keeney of Little Meadows for a BLACK
BEAR GUN entry at 21-8 taken in Towanda Township
weighing 590 lbs; Jeffery Hart of Perkasie for a BLACK
BEAR ARCHERY entry at 19-7 taken in Columbia Township;
and Eric Shedden of Canton for a BLACK BEAR MUZZLELOADER
No.1 entry at 21-8 taken in Leroy Township weighing 455 lbs.
Cody Groover of Canton put a new No.1 black bear in the
FEMALE BLACK BEAR weight category at 476 lbs. which
unseats the previous 403 lb. Burlington Township record
taken by Brett Carman of Troy.
Congratulations to all those hunters who were part of
our 2023 Big Game Awards program, and a big thank you
to our Sponsors and all those who attended this celebration
of Bradford County's big game hunting heritage.
Kelsey Peterson of Rome, PA shot this big Orwell Twp. buck on 11-26-2022 using her favorite 30-06. It gross scored 156-0 with a 149-7 typical net.

Kelsey Peterson buck. 149-7
This Towanda Township trophy taken by James Snell of Towanda gross scores 146-4
with a 136-5 net. It ranks No. 48 amongst 354 entries
in the TYPICAL DEER ARCHERY category. Forensic aging confirmed
the buck's age at 7.5 years old.

James Snell buck. 136-5
The Paul Emerson buck unseats the previous record set back in 2010 by 6-1/2
inches. The rack has 12 scoreable points, with a 176-2
gross. It now ranks No. 31 amongst 2036 entries in the
state record book ARCHERY category.

Paul Emerson buck. 164-5
On November 30, 2019 Scott Norton of Troy
shot this Burlington Twp. 17 pt. buck, scoring 174-4.
It will become a New Bradford County No. 3 in
the TYPICAL GUN category, and rank No. 15 in
the PA Record Book amongst 1730 entries.
This incredible whitetail also produced the
current No. 1 entries in both the Shed Antler
Single Beam and Shed Antlers Matching
categories. Forensic aging confirmed the buck
was 8-1/2 years old.

Scott Norton buck. 174-4
Kyle Kremposky of New Tripoli, PA bagged this 7x6 Troy Township buck on November 27, 2017.
The antlers gross scored 164-6 with a 150-3 net.

Kyle Kremposky buck. 150-3
Theron Binford III killed this
422 lb. black bear with a crossbow
on October 29, 2019. At 20-11/16, it's
a new No. 1 in the Archery category, and
holds a No. 16 rank in the PA Record Book


The Chris Radney, Franklin Township
buck taken in 2017,
is the largest archery
non-typical in the county.
At 180-3, it ranks No. 27 in the
PA State Record Book
for that category.

Kyle Jackson's Springfield Twp.
buck scoring 173-0 is a new No. 2
for the Non-Typical Archery category
ranks No 38
in the state Record Book.

Erin Wrisley of Ulster shot this 17 point
non-typical with a 7mm-08. At 165-4,
ranks No.8 in the NT category,
a state Record Book rank of 142.

This Columbia Township buck scoring 162-6 NT
was taken by Jaydon Gardner of Sayre.
It ranks No. 2 in the Youth category, and
No. 162 in the state Record Book in
the Non-typical Firearms category.

This Troy Township Non-typical was taken
by David Aumick of Troy with a flintlock.
With 12 scoreable points, and an inside
spread of 20",
it ranks No. 1 in the
Muzzleloader category at 155-2.

This impressive Windham Township buck
was taken
by Jeff Wiseman in 2017.
It scores 164-2 and ranks
No. 7 in the Non-Typical
Deer Gun category.